Embarking on an Alex Rider tour of the filming locations from the TV series “Alex Rider” in Bristol. This fun tour is an adventure that promises excitement, immersion in captivating settings, and a unique way to explore this vibrant city. Although the first season was mainly filmed in London, Seasons 2 and 3 were filmed in Bristol.
In true Alex Rider style you will be taking a bicycle to dive into the world of the young Mi6 agent. Cycling through the actual locations where the series was filmed allows you to step into the shoes of Alex Rider. You’ll visit iconic spots like Bristol Cathedral, transformed into St. Dominic’s Academy, and the harborside, which hosted thrilling chase scenes. This immersive experience brings the gripping world of teenage espionage to life.
As part of the tour you will see more than 10 filming locations that have stood in for both London and even Amsterdam. You will see sites including:
Bristol offers a perfect blend of picturesque landscapes and urban charm. As you pedal through its streets, you’ll encounter stunning views of the River Avon, historic landmarks, and vibrant street art. Cycling allows you to explore these diverse sceneries at an easy pace, making every moment of your tour a visual delight.
This guided tour is not just about sightseeing; it’s an interactive experience. Knowledgeable guides provide behind-the-scenes insights into the making of the series, sharing fascinating anecdotes and trivia that enhance your appreciation of both the show and the city. Learn about the production process, the challenges of filming on location, and the stories that brought “Alex Rider” to life.
Saturday at 11am
2 ½ hours
Adult (16 years+): £30 Child (5 – 15 years): £20
Central Bristol
Getting to Bristol by train and Where to stay
Central Bristol
Professional guide
Gratuities (optional)
1-10 people: £300 Additional persons £30pp
Available daily at 10:30am and 1:30pm.
2 ½ hour guided walking tour of James Bond film locations in London including Skyfall, Die Another Day, SPECTRE, No Time to Die and real-life spy sites.
Disclaimer: This is an independent, unofficial tour of public locations featured in the Alex Rider television series. It is not connected with, or licensed or endorsed by, Amazon in any way.
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