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Tours, camera and action!

PRESS RELEASE Issued: 1 November 2009

New British Movie and TV Location Sightseeing tours to launch

November 2009 sees the launch of Brit Movie Tours, a unique sightseeing bus tour company that visits movie and TV locations in London and throughout Britain, bringing them to life.

With London being the third busiest filming production centre in the world, behind only Los Angeles and New York, and other parts of the country regularly featuring on screen, Britain is a giant movie set waiting to be explored.

Founded by its Director, London born Lewis Swan, he recognised the lack of British tours specializing in world famous movie sites, especially in his home city. “I’ve been on tours of film locations in New York and knew of many movie sites in London but couldn’t find an organised tour that actually visits these sites. I love London and Britain and thought we needed tours which showcase the great movie locations we have in this country, so I decided to set up Brit Movie Tours.”

Brit Movie Tours will launch the first of its eight tours in February 2010 starting with a three hour morning tour of London Movie Locations, closely followed by an afternoon tour taking visitors to sites linked with Notting Hill the Movie. Tours will appeal to visitors of all ages and include trips to Potter, James Bond and Romantic film locations.

One of the aims of Brit Movie Tours is, as Lewis Swan explains, “to enjoy the magic of real life movie sets and get closer to some of the characters you know so well on screen”.

Visitors can find out more information about the tours and book a place by visiting
So what are you waiting for? Tours, camera and action!

Contact: Lewis Swan on +44 (0) 789 445 4003 or by email at [email protected]
Photos are available on request

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