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News Articles

News from Brit Movie Tours, the premier TV and Movie Tour company in the UK

Ideas for School Trips to London

Every year thousands of people from all over the world flock to London to experience...

How to find tickets for TV shows taped in London

How to find tickets for TV shows taped in London Find out how to get...

‘Jack the Ripper’ manuscript to be published worldwide

A manuscript possibly written by Victorian serial killer Jack the Ripper is to be published...

Downton Abbey receive a Golden Globe for best television mini series

Well done to Downton Abbey for scooping the award for best television mini series at...

Doctor Who – Where Are The Lost Episodes?

Coronation Street, Panorama and Blue Peter are the only UK television shows that have run...

Jack the Ripper files not to be released to public

Secret files containing information on four new suspects linked to the infamous Jack the Ripper...

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